Electronic – How to apply HT gradually in a valve amplifier

power supplythermistorvacuum-tube

For valve amplifiers, it is said, that applying anode voltage before the valve is heated reduces lifetime and can have other negative effects on circuit lifetime.

To avoid this, I want to add a thermistor to the HT voltage line, so the valve has time to heat, and the HT is applied in a more controlled manner.

Based on what parameters of my circuit should I choose a thermistor?
Or what else should I use to "delay" the HT voltage?

Currently I am using a manual switch, which is good for standby mode, but I'd prefer to have something, that doesn't rely on the human factor.

In the past this was solved by using tube rectifiers, so they would need time to heat up too, but I want to use solid-state rectification, so that is not an option.

Best Answer

The thermistor idea works well, I use it on all my amplifiers applied to the primary of the main power supply transformer. Connected this way it also limits the current inrush:

  • of the filaments when they are cold.
  • in the (big) power supply capacitors.
  • in the coupling capacitors which often discharge very slowly through high resistors.

This said, it will only limit the current for 1 or 2 seconds, you may wish to rise the voltage slowly on tubes anodes. This is a bad idea to wait for the filaments to be hot and apply the B+ suddenly because:

  • during the time the HT is not applied, the power supply has no load and then presents its maximum voltage
  • because it will create a current inrush specially in the power tubes that can -- for a short moment -- drive the tubes far above their max dissipation.

The idea is to apply the HT gradually. Using a vacuum rectifier is a way to achieve this. You can also set up a mosfet regulated power supply:

Gradual mosfet regulated power supply

Copyleft Yves Monmagnon. August 2009 from this link (in french)

Q1 and R1 create a CCS. This current will charge C1 through R2 and polarize Q2. When C1 is charged the voltage on the source of Q2 is roughly equivalent to Iccs * R

I use DN3545 for Q1 and IRF820 (up to 500V) for Q2. The zener is here to discharge C1 when the PSU is switched off and avoid Vgs > 20V (maximum specified by the DS).