Digital Logic Circuit – How to Build a Division Logic Circuit


I understand division in binary but applying it in a circuit is confusing. so far i have built adders/subtraction and multiplication circuits. i think i should have extra bits for radix bits. simple schematic that give me a kick about division logic circuit perhaps.

Best Answer

Individual partial remainders must be derived from previously computed partial remainders in the chain. So it's more complicated.

This is only to give a kick, so to speak. I haven't checked it well. But I think it gets down an approach. It's combinatorial, though. Not sure if you want that.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

The above is a 8-bit dividend (A) and a 4-bit divisor (B). (Well, if I didn't mess up in writing it out, which I may have.) There are lane changes taking place. If you look at a mux output you will see that the high order bit of the output is just dropped and the low order 3 bits are lane-changed to the upper three of a new bus, where its LSB comes from the next bit of A (dividend.) The A-side input of the next adder is then a composition, as described. Also, the top "mux" isn't really a mux. I just used that symbol for a comparator, instead. It's testing \$A[7:4] \ge B[3:0]\$, since if that part of A is larger or equal then the division will require a quotient larger than 4 bits. Hopefully, that's clearer.