Electronic – How to Calculate Basic Cycles in MSP430


Hey all I am fairly new with the MSP430 and I have begun using it to do very simple projects and I am trying to keep track of how many cycles I use within my program, and I have a two simple questions that I cannot find the answer for.

How many cycles does it take to run the 'ret' or 'reti' from my program? How many cycles does it take to assign a variable in MSP430 or to call the variable as seen in my "mov.w #COUNT,r13" as seen below? Here is the part of the code that I am using:

COUNT       .equ    <number>                ; <-- Does this take any cycles?    

callLoop:   call    #myDelay                ; 2 cycles
            sub.w   #1,r12                  ; 1 cycles
              jne   callLoop                ; 2 cycles
            jmp     RESET                   ; 2 cycles

myDelay:    mov.w   #COUNT,r13              ; 1  <-- Is it only one cycle to run the mov.w?

delayloop:  sub.w   #1,r13                  ; 1 cycles
              jne   delayloop               ; 2 cycles
            ret                             ; ???  No idea what this would be.

r12 has already been assigned a value earlier. Let me know if you need anything else from me.

Best Answer

According to this article, ret is actually mov.w @sp+,pc, so it only takes the cycles required for indirection, post-increment and assignment to the program counter.

.equ is an assembler directive similar to #define in C and generates no instructions; the mov.w #,r uses a constant substituted by the assembler and therefore incurs no additional cycles.