Electronic – How to calculate the DC output of this specific low pass filter

filtergainlow passtransfer function

Low Pass Filter


I am having some trouble understanding how to calculate the DC output of this low pass filter.
Also are my calculations correcet that the transfer function of the filter is:

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Think of your resistances and capacitances as impedences. That should make things easier when you talk about feedback loops and transfer functions.

Describe your impedence function as:

\$ Z_1 = R_8 \$ and \$Z_2 = R_9 || \frac{1}{j\omega C_1} \$

(but in the Laplace domain, \$j\omega = s\$)

So your transfer function would be:

\$ \displaystyle H = -\frac{Z_2}{Z_1} \$

Negative because it is an inverting amplifier operation.