Electronic – How to `chain` transistors so that the first transistor `switches` on the second


I am trying to get more hands-on experience with transistors. I have a simple switch working:

simple transistor switch circuit turning on LED

I wanted to find out how to change the circuit so that a second transistor would be switched on by the first one, driving another LED.

I tried connecting the emitter of Q1 to the base of Q2 with and without a current limiting resistor but with this schema, nothing works at all:

second try, connecting emitter of Q1 to base of Q2

I have tried a variety of different transistors too, including S8050.

Best Answer

If you want to set up an arbitrarily long chain of identical sections, the best way is probably to use two transistors per stage:


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Q2 drives the next stage in exactly the same way the the switch drives the first stage.