Electronic – How to check whether an IC has gone bad or not


My Question

I have unfortunately, had an incident with my the 74LS08 (And Gate) IC. When I accidentally powered it incorrectly, the IC started to heat, very quickly. I was powering it using an adapter from a wall socket (5V of input power).
I cannot remember exactly the wire up, however the IC was getting hot very quickly. I unplugged it from the mains and from the connection onto the breadboard. There seems to be no visible damage to the IC, however the area of the breadboard below it seems to have widened a bit (I was bridging it over the middle channel of the breadboard). There was also no smoke, or anything else apart from the IC heating and the breadboard damage.

My Question

So what is the best way to test whether the it is usable? I currently don't have a spare, so I don't really want to be throwing it away unless I can be sure that it is definitely dead.

Other Notes

I have checked out both other questions on whether an IC is fried, however I have seen no smoke or the like to make it obvious that it is definitely useless.



Best Answer

It's an AND gate. Give it two inputs from somewhere like buttons and observe output with something like LED or oscilloscope or multimeter.