How to Choose Resistor Values in Op-Amps

amplifiercircuit analysiscircuit-designoperational-amplifierresistors

Ok so my question is what resistor values should I choose for this amplifier. Vin is 0.5Vpp, 50kHz and the desired Vout is 25Vpp, so the overall voltage gain is 50. I know that the voltage gain for an inverting amplifier is -Rf/Rin. What's the difference between choosing resistor values like 50ohms and 1ohm or like let's say 50kohm and 1kohm. Also, what should my +-Vcc supply voltage to the amplifier be? The 2nd picture below is the op-amp's(LF351) datasheet Wondering if that could affect anything. Any help is much appreciated, thanks.

Best Answer

This should help you decide on the power rails: -

enter image description here

And this graph just about permits a gain of 50 with a load of 2 kohm: -

enter image description here

Regards resistor values, I'd be thinking of 22 kohm for the feedback resistor and about 440 ohms for the input resistor. You might be able to go a little higher and still get the 50 kHz bandwidth you need. Maybe as high as 220 kohm for the feedback resistor.

What's the difference between choosing resistor values like 50ohms and 1ohm or like let's say 50kohm and 1kohm.

The op-amp is inverting hence the inverting input is at 0 volts hence the output load IS the feedback resistor and you can't have this too low or you won't get the output voltage amplitude. On the other hand, you can't go too big because the parasitic capacitances of the op-amp will start to reduce gain too much at higher frequencies.

Regards numbers in the data sheet (rather than graphs), this is a summary on page 4: -

enter image description here

The supply is listed as +/- 15 volts and the output swing is typically +/- 13.5 volts. This means that you can't push the output to typically within 1.5 volts of the positive or negative power rail but, this could be as bad as 3 volts if you take the minimum figure. The 1.5 volts and 3 volts numbers are saturation voltages and the load is 10 kohm.