Electronic – How to clean flux from a DDR footprint without ESD risk


I could be paranoid, but I have to replace a batch of DDRs from a board. Those are connected directly to the IC, they aren't GPIOs, so I believe the ESD risk is higher.

I need to remove the old solder left behind from the old DDRs and to do so I will use solder wick and no-clean flux. I will then clean the flux using isopropyl alcohol and a brush.

How do I minimise ESD risk in the process?

I will be using an ESD wristband, on an ESD-safe surface, but I'm worried about static charge in the brush.

Am I overthinking it?

Best Answer

Use an ESD-safe brush, which has conductive handle and/or bristles. Many are available from all of the usual places, for example - this one plucked at random from Digikey :

ESD brush

More options listed here some conductive/dissipative, some dissipative/conductive etc.