Electronic – How to correctly wire the switch into the USB-to-Serial adapter cable


Referring to this question:
How can I convert a 2 prong connector to USB?

I have decided to go with this solution:
(2) You could use a cheap (from $5) serial to USB adaptor and wire the switch to eg the CTS line. This can be detected by a PC program.
(answered by Russell McMahon)

My questions are what type of wiring should i use? (links anyone?)
I've decided to go with this adaptor:


How would I connect the actual wires to the serial cable? from this video:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MlJCMdD8MU (45 seconds)

It appears I need to wire pins 1 and 4. But I can't seem to find the shown serial adapter that would let me solder the wires into a serial port.
Does anyone know where I might get such an adaptor? Or could I just connect the wires directly into the serial port pins?

Thank you all for your expertise and willingness to share.

Best Answer

You need one of these:

enter image description here

This is the female socket which goes with the connector, it has solder pins. If you would want one for PCB mounting it would look like this:

enter image description here

Note that due to the pin spacing it isn't fit for breadboard mounting.