Electronic – How to damage the components with ESD


I have a task to present the ESD safety practices in lab and at work in general. I want to make this interesting and for the freshers out of college, I want to let the importance of ESD precautions sink for long time.

I am planning to spoil the devices as a part of demonstration. Question: How can I do this?
enter image description here

The image tells me to start with FETs.. may be a simple timer and a LED connections and a FET. I am open to use other components as well.

Best Answer

ESD damage can be very subtle and not easily demonstrable. The eventual failure may take years to surface. Or is only measurable by some change in parameters.

Exmaple, only visible by electron microscope:
enter image description here

Or here:
enter image description here

I do not think a demonstration will be very effective.