Electronic – How to design a unity gain with LM358 op amp


I am trying to get a unity gain out of an LM358 to increase the current of an AC sine wave input from 5mA to something slightly higher. I thought I had it hooked up correctly for unity gain, but most of the negative parts of the sine wave are getting clipped.

Is there something I need to be doing to get the negative parts of my input to pass through correctly?

Below is an image of basically what I have. I ended up switching to +12 and -12V references where as previously I was using just a ground at pin 4. I was getting this clipping even with no voltage supply attached and just the + of the input in Vin and the – into ground (pin 4).

enter image description here

Best Answer

Create a mid-rail voltage point by using two 10k resistors; one connected to positive supply and one connected to ground. Join the two in the middle and connect to Vin+.

With your input disconnected you will see half the supply voltage on the output of the op-amp. Now connect your input via (say) a 10uF capacitor to Vin+. You should now see the signal repeated at the output.

To use this output signal as an ac source, use another 10uF in series with the output. If you are needing low frequencies 10uF maybe too small.

This TI document has some good circuits with and without gain for ac inputs and biasing. It's called "a single supply op-amp collection".