Electronic – How to determine low and high threshold levels of a Schmitt Trigger for a known input


Imagine I have a pulse train input which goes into a Schmitt trigger for getting sharpened. Imagine the HIGH of the input pulse train is around 8V and LOW is around zero volt.

So what should one select the lower and upper threshold voltages in this case? Does that depend on the desired HIGH output voltage? And what is the logic behind determining these threshold levels?

I found this calculator which one needs to decide about the low and high tresholds: http://www.random-science-tools.com/electronics/schmitt-trigger-calculator.htm

Best Answer

Select an upper threshold which is below the minimum high level of your signal. In other words, a level which you are certain that your input signal will exceed on each pulse. Similarly select a lower threshold above the low level of your signal. The difference between the upper and lower level is the hysteresis. The larger the hysteresis the more immune to noise your circuit will be. If this is for a production job, make sure you take account of component tolerances when choosing the threshold levels. You may also need to take into account the affect of timing skeu

enter image description here

Note that t2 > t1 due to level difference. Also note that the noise is ignored.