Electronic – How to document your hardware design decisions


How do you document your hardware decisions in the design phase?
How do you avoid having to ask yourself the following questions while reviewing an hardware design that you made in the past:

  • Why did a choose this component?
  • Why/how did I choose these particular parameters for this component?
  • What does this part of the circuit do?
  • What is the power dissipation through this component?
  • What is the total power consumption of this circuit?
  • Can I replace this component with this other one? Are there any equivalent components to this component? etc.

What is a good way to document your decisions and calculations during the design phase of a circuit? How do I get answers to the questions above without going again through hundreds of datasheet pages?

One way I could think of is to add notes in the schematic files (if your EDA supports it), but I wouldn't want to clutter the schematic with too much information.

Best Answer

I personally go the old-fashioned route: I have a design notebook where I write down absolutely everything about the design decisions I make. Especially component and value choices, current calculations, power supply calculations, everything. I also document software/firmware decisions and notes on timing and resource usage.

Each notebook has a contents page to reference a specific part of the design (power supply, etc) and all the pages are numbered.

I have considered going digital a number of times but it is nice to have my notebook out in front of me while I work and I find writing formulae digitally to be quite awkward. It's much easier to write calculations out by hand.

When preparing a spec or formal documentation for a board design, I usually refer back to my notebook as a refresher of what I did (or I write the digital documentation at the same time). Even though this may seem like I'm doing the same thing twice, I find that my notebooks are pretty much all calculation and explanation for myself, where documentation is much less verbose and much more formal and explanatory for others. As such, I don't often find I'm writing the same thing twice.