Electronic – How to drop 5v regular phone charger voltage to 3.7v to run a device, which use 3.7v output battery before


I have Motorola Moto 360 2st edition smartwatch and watch original battery is dead. I have converted smartwatch into table watch in DIY wooden block and added 18650 3.7v battery instead and now its works fine for 2 to 3 days but then battery dies and I have to remove 18650 and charge with its charge.

Dead Smartwatch original battery photo.

enter image description here

Can I convert regular phone charger with 5V output to 3.8V output to run my smartwatch continually? If yes what I have to do ?

Best Answer

2 silicon diodes in series will drop 1.2 - 1.4 volts or so depending on how much current your watch needs.