Electronic – How to find the dynamic range of ADC


I bought a Analog to Digital Converter but did not gave much attention to Dynamic range. The resolution is 12 Bit. Minimum input voltage is 0V and maximum is 5V.

The problem is I don't have the datasheet and want to know how can I find the Dynamic range of this ADC?

Additional info: It says it has 10Megasample per sec of sample-rate.

Best Answer

The dynamic range is the ratio of the maximum voltage to the minimum voltage that the ADC can convert. The maximum voltage is 5 volts. Since it is a 12 bit converter, it has a resolution of 212 - 1 or 4095. Thus the minimum voltage, for which the ADC would have only the least significant bit set, is 1.22 millivolts. So the dynamic range of your ADC is 5/.00122 = 4095 = 72.2 dB. In general, the dynamic range is only a function of the number of bits, not the maximum input voltage. But I calculated using voltage just to show you the details.