SystemVerilog – How to Get a Random Seed Value for Simulation


I know 3 EDA companies handle with SVSEED as the below image,
enter image description here
For reproducibility and random stability, I'd like to generate a random value by using "+svseed random" in SystemVerilog Cadence simulation as the below example snippet code,

class const_c;
rand bit [7:0] a;

module test;
const_c cons;
cons = new();

initial begin

    for(...) begin
       printf("Current SVSEED: %0d", ?);


How do we know "svseed" value when "-svseed random" used. it's value in SystemVerilog?

Best Answer

As far as I know, at least there is no direct method to find the root seed set by the simulator ahead of the simulation run. The value set by sv_seed flag is usually found in the log generated by the simulation. If not used, it's defaulted to 1 in some tools.

Because I'd like to make a directory each simulation by SVSEED value. and If I can get a SVSEED value in simulation time, it will be handy.

A work-around I have done in Questa-Sim in the past is generating a random root seed \$ R \$ in a script/makefile, and then create necessary simulation folders corresponding to this generated seed. Finally, invoke the simulation command from the script, and pass \$R\$ as argument using -sv_seed R flag.