Electronic – How to get into Freescale 32-bit MicroControllers


Which websites/blogs/tools/books/manuals would you recommend for getting into the Freescale microcontrollers, especially the 32-bit models?

What are the best development tools (IDEs, compilers) for this environment. There is so much out there for the AVRs, ARMs, PICs but not too much for Freescale. I admit, I need to spend more time with Google on this and just thought I'd save myself plenty of time by asking the "experts".


Best Answer

The Freescale devices aren't very popular, hence there isn't much support for them, and the tools are expensive. If you want to get into 32-bit MCUs you would be better off with ARM. The new NXP Cortex-M0 chips are very cheap, and you have lots of choice with the development tools, some of which are free. I've been playing with the new NXP LPCXpresso board - £18 each (!), with a nice (free) development environment.