Electronic – How to have an edged triggered reset signal in a sequential verilog circuit


I am wondering how it is possible to build a sequential verilog circuit with a reset trigger. The problem I am having is that I need an always block specifically for when the reset is triggered. I have created this example of a counter to demonstrate what I mean:

`timescale 1ns / 1ps

module Counter(input CLK, reset, output reg[2:0] val);
    always@(posedge CLK)
        val = val+1;

    always@(negedge reset)
        val = 0;


The bug I get when synthesizing this is

"ERROR:Xst:528 - Multi-source in Unit <Counter> on signal <Mcount_val_cy<0>>; this signal is connected to multiple drivers.
Drivers are: 
   Output signal of FD instance <val_0>
   Signal <val<0>> in Unit <Counter> is assigned to GND"  

This is because val is updated in 2 always statements.

How can I work around this and have a sequential circuit with a reset trigger?

Best Answer

One way to do this is to combine the always blocks, like this:

module Counter(input CLK, reset, output reg[2:0] val);
    always@(posedge CLK or negedge reset) begin
        if (!reset) begin
            val <= 0;
        end else begin
            val <= val+1;

This will reset the counter whenever reset is low.

However, this may or may not be the functionality you're looking for. Generally, asynchronous resets in FPGAs are not a super great idea. An alternative is to use an edge detector, like this:

module Counter(input CLK, reset, output reg[2:0] val);
    reg reset_reg = 0;
    reg last_reset_reg = 0;
    always@(posedge CLK) begin
        reset_reg <= reset;
        last_reset <= reset_reg;
        if (!reset_reg && last_reset_reg) begin
            val <= 0;
        end else begin
            val <= val+1;