Electronic – How to know that I am grounded with an anti-static wrist strap

antistaticgroundpower supplyresistancewire

The resistance of my Belkin anti-static wrist strap shows 0.983, but how do I know that I am grounded by attaching it to computer power supply alone? See the picture below.

enter image description here

How do I know if that resistance is absorbed by the grounded contact? Must I touch a metal plate below the strap with one lead and power supply with another lead?

UPDATE: I wanted to know if there is a contact between wrist strap and power cable's grounded contact through power supply. Since wrist strap works, i wanted also to know that grounding it to power supply and then connecting to power outlet will work as well so i touched wrist strap's metal plate with one lead and grounding contact of power cable with another lead and saw same resistance as mentioned above. This means that everything works.

Best Answer

A proper ground strap connection should show 1 to 10 megohms between the part that contacts your skin and the ground terminal of the power cord. This resistance is there to prevent electrocution through the strap.

The point of a ground strap is to dissipate static charge. A large resistor does this slowly enough to not "zap" you, but also doesn't turn you into a large ground rail yourself.