Electronic – How to make a register in VHDL remember


I was given the assignment to implement an 18-bit register in VHDL. I used an example from the book "Free Range VHDL" recommended to me earlier. Here's what I got:

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

entity reg18 is
    port ( REG_IN  :  in std_logic_vector(17 downto 0);
           LD,CLK  :  in std_logic;
           REG_OUT : out std_logic_vector(17 downto 0));
end reg18;

architecture reg18 of reg18 is
    reg: process(CLK)
        if (rising_edge(CLK)) then
            if (LD = '1') then
                REG_OUT <= REG_IN;
            end if;
        end if;
    end process;
end reg18;

However, the mentor argued that it doesn't remember the input and something with the VHDL signal must be done. Nevertheless, here's a citation from the same book:

If you have not specified what the output should be for every possible set of input conditions, the option taken by VHDL is to not change the current output. By definition, if the input changes to an unspecified state, the output remains unchanged. In this case, the output associated with the previous set of input can be thought of as being remembered. It is this mechanism, as strange and interesting as it is, that is used to induce memory in the VHDL code.

Can you, please, explain to me how the mechanism of remembering in VHDL really works? Thank you in advance.

EDIT: By signal was meant the VHDL signal that is opposed to the variable. And yes, your comments confirm the citation.

Best Answer

One possibility is that your mentor is considering that signal declarations are needed to provide the "storage" for the register. Just as an example, they are declared in this document from Xilinx:

enter image description here

The flip-flops are not synthesized because of the signal declarations. It is the edge triggered part of the code you have shown that implies the flip-flops, regardless of the fact that they handle inputs and outputs directly.

As you can see, the synthesis of your code (using Vivado) correctly results in a series of d-flip-flops:

enter image description here

Additionally, take a look at this question and the 2 up-voted answers.

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