Electronic – how to make an ESD sensitive circuit


I have an experiment where I plug a sensor to an ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) protection circuit. Sensors are very expensive and very sensitive to ESD.
I have tested my protection circuit it is working fine. I was wondering what is an easy way to build a ESD sensitive device, so every time I test my ESD protection circuit, I don't plug my expensive sensor to test. I want to have an alternative to my sensor, for example something that if I touch when I'm not grounded, would blow or show me that it is sensitive to ESD. OR in general would let me know that the environment has some static charges.

I'm not an expert in circuits, I have googled my question and found very complex circuits. I would like to hear your opinions.

Thank you in advance,

Best Answer

What we did was to use 100x or 1000x scope probes and watch the signal on the scope. If you don't have high voltage probes, then you can make some fairly easily with some resistors, but I would stick to only ESD, which is low power, nothing with substantial power behind it.

how to make 100x scope probe Or EEV video blog

Be aware that ESD, if not from a controlled source, can vary wildly depending on environmental conditions (mainly humidity), and can reach 200kV.