Electronic – How to make any sensor a wireless one


I am try to build a wireless sensor(right now I am using an adxl335 accelerometer with an analog output) but this project should be general for any sensor that outputs analog. The issue is that I have to first convert the analog to digital to transmit it over RF(I have a 12d,12e RF series which is a four channel Rf transmitter with reciever). But the issue is if I need to convert the analog to digital then I need a microcontroller for the CS as well as clock lines. This just adds enormously to the cost of the project as well as the number of hours I would spend assembling them together and a microcontroller for each sensor does not seem sensible at all. I am wondering what is the general route taken to make an accelerometer or any other sensor that outputs anolog wireless.

Best Answer

It is very common to take an analog signal, pass it through and ADC, into a microcontoller, and out a digital radio. There are many wireless microcontrollers with integrated radios and ADCs for just this task. One example is the mc13224v that's on an Econotag.

The other option would be to transmit the analog signal directly with AM or FM.

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