Electronic – How to make falling time shorter for mosfet switching for high voltage and high frequency ultrasonic pulser


I have a case that I need to build a pulser switching for my ultrasonic transducer which operate in 180 V and 1 MHz. I use mosfet IRF250 for the switching, and below is the circuit:

enter image description here

This is pretty good with response like this:

enter image description here

The green is input signal and the blue is output signal in the load, the problem is R1 resistor just 100 ohm, and the power needed will be 324 Watt, I want to reduce the power since the transducer only uses the voltage not the current, so I raise the resistance of R1 to 10K so the power will be 3.24 Watt, but the response is like this:

enter image description here

The falling time is increased drastically, what causes this ? Is it the capacitor between drain and gate inside of mosfet? How can I change the R1 to 10K but with same response as 100 ohm?

Best Answer

The large fall-time is most likely caused by the drain-source capacitance of the mosfet (700pF in datasheet). When turning off you have essentially a 10k resistor in series with 700pF of capacitance which takes time to charge up.

If you only need round about 20mA I would choose a smaller mosfet with less capacitance.