Electronic – How to measure collector current in BJT

bjtcircuit analysis

In the following circuit:

enter image description here

I know the expression for the collector current is $$I_C =\frac{V_{CC}-V_C}{R_L}$$
Say I have a potentiometer for \$R_L\$ and I decide to set it to 0 Ω. What would \$I_C\$ be in this case?

Best Answer

Let me show the voltages and collector current (IC).


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

As you can see, \$V_B = V_{BE} + V_E = V_{BE} + I_E \cdot R_E\$.

Since \$I_C \approx I_E\$, the equality above turns into \$V_B \approx V_{BE} + I_C \cdot R_E\$. Finally, $$I_C = \frac{V_B - V_{BE}}{R_E}$$ (I will not show what VB is since it can be found with simply voltage divider rule.)

See? Collector current is independent from collector load!

NOTE: Placing a resistor to emitter creates a constant current source. It also guarantees the thermal stability.

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