Electronic – How to remove energy from inductor using semiconductors


So I have this coil and I'm driving dc current through it. This coil has inductance and thus stores energy from the dc current.

I have to remove this energy before I can change the polarity of my h-bridge to prevent dangerous voltage rises.
How can I efficiently remove this stored energy from the coil immediately after it has been disconnected from the current source?
Would just using a bipolar capacitor in series with small resistor and paraller with the coil like this?


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Best Answer

Just parallel the inductor with back-to-back Zeners, or a TVS, like this:enter image description here

Or don't do anything at all if the MOSFETs you're using have parasitic diodes which can take the current hit from the inductor when you switch.

Or, if they don't, you could do this:

enter image description here