Electronic – How to replace this NPN transistor with a MOSFET


Here is the schematic of the circuit I'm trying to build (source) but I only have an IRF9530N Mosfet; I don't have any NPN transistors at hand.

1 watt audio amplifier

What would the schematic look like with a MOSFET instead of the NPN?

Best Answer

In answer to your question, this is how your circuit would look if you replaced the bipolar Darlington with a MOSFET:

enter image description here

Notice that an IRF 9530 is not N-channel, it's a P-channel MOSFET, so the supply polarity has been reversed.

This circuit is fraught with problems and is barely suitable for experimentation, but for starters I'd cap-couple the source and the load to the circuit and then work with the biasing and feedback.