Electronic – How to scale a 0.5-4.5v signal to a 0-3.3v signal


I am trying to scale down the analog value of a pressure sensor to an analog value that my mcp3008 analog to digital converter can read. The pressure sensor outputs a voltage between 0.5v and 4.5v while the mcp3008 takes in analog signals between 0v and 3.3v. I have read about voltage dividers, but it seems to me that in this case that would be really imprecise. If I just divide the max voltage of 4.5 down to 3.3 aren't I losing a lot of resolution due to the range of the pressure sensor output starting at 0.5v?

Best Answer

A simple potential divider rescaler would only be "throwing away" (0.5 / 4.5) = 11% of the resolution. To me it seems likely that the simplicity of the potential divider (vs the minimum of one op-amp + passives that would be needed for an active analog subtractor) is worth it, especially when you consider that the additional circuitry would introduce some amount of noise and scale/offset error.

As a bonus if you preserve the ability to read below the sensor's minimum specified output value, then you may be able to detect a failed or unconnected sensor.