USB Plug/Connector Soldering – How to Solder New USB


I bought a USB WiFi card, but then the metal part broke and I had to take it off. I only have the board now and it is too small to fit into a USB port. Where can I find a new USB head/plug (the silver part used to plug it into the USB ports, sorry I cannot find a name anywhere). And how would I go about soldering on this new head?

Refer to the picture of the memory stick if you do not understand what I mean with the silver part

wireless card right

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

The metal part of a USB plug is always the same size. You can probably buy a plug that has the metal part the right length remove the contacts, and the plastic that carries the contacts and glue your circuit board inside you need to keep the metal away from the antenna at the back end of that circuit.

I found the exact part you want, but you need to buy 500 and they are sold out.

next best is a stubby plug like and remove the white part by force