Electronic – How to start debugging this circuit


I recently got a small LM386M-1 based amplifier kit, mainly to practice my SMD soldering. I managed to solder it, but it's giving me unexpected results.

Here's the schematic:


The input signal is supposed to be connected to NF (for positive) and GND connectors. ZV is obviously a speaker. Pin 1 is not connected.

Now about the results: When I power on the device and sent a 1 kHz sine wave to it, I get this:

sine wave

The peak to peak voltage here is around 190 mV.

When I turn it off, I get this:

distorted sine wave

and the peak to peak voltage is around 1.46 V.

So it works much better when it's off than when it's on.

Also after reading the LM386 datasheet, the circuit looks a bit strange to me.

Here's the pinout of LM386 from the datasheet:

LM386 pinout

So is the PCB I got plain wrong or should I start checking out each individual component?

Best Answer

Where to start?

  1. Your input signal is being applied to pin 4 which should be 0V
  2. Your speaker is connected between \$V_{OUT}\$ & Gain instead of between \$V_{OUT}\$ & 0V
  3. Both inverting & non-inverting inputs (pins 2 & 3) are connected to 0V
  4. Bypass (Pin 7) is connected directly to 0V instead of through a capacitor (as per the data sheet)

The schematic is clearly wrong. Where did you get the kit from?