Electronic – How to tell which side of a Meanwell Encapsulated is AC and which is DC

5vacpower supply

I received an AC/DC Encapsulated PSU from Meanwell.
The datasheet Meanwell IRM 60 5ST seems to suggest that the the terminal block with two screws is for the AC while the terminal blocks with 4 screws are the 5v outputs.
However it looks to me as if the plastic chassis has been swapped, perhaps when they fitted they made a mistake? I have used the same model in the past, but this is the first time I see this.
Can anybody help me figure out which one is which? (AC or 5v)
PSU AC to 5V

Best Answer

Looking at the last page of the DATASHEET tells us that the label is printed upside down.

Refer to the pinouts in the datasheet and ignore the label.

enter image description here

Note the location of the cut corner on the label area.