Electronic – How to use a comparator in a circuit


I am learning about how to use Operational Amplifiers as comparators. I understand that comparators are used to compare an input signal to a reference voltage. However, I am having a hard time visualizing this.

Say that I wanted a comparator with a reference voltage of 0 V (therefore, the output will be either positive or negative depending on whether the input signal is positive or negative, respectively). How could I draw a circuit like this?

I hope my question is clear.

Best Answer

Electronics Tutorials actually has a very good diagram of this.

enter image description here

Henceforth, when you're talking about reference voltages, it can depend on the structure of the reference voltage itself and it can be determined by Kirchhoff's Laws, i.e. Kirchhoff's Current Law.

enter image description here

If you have any more questions, I invite you to check out that hyperlink I put at the beginning of my answer.