Electronic – How to we convert multi-input NOR gate diagram to a 2-input NOR gate diagram


The question asks us to simplify the Boolean expression and implement it using 2-input NOR gates. I used a K-map and got the POS and drew the diagram without nor gates at first then replaced every OR with and OR-invert and the AND with invert-AND.Then I replaced the invert-AND with NOR. Lastly, I compensated the NOR bubble by complementing the output literal.

Problem: My diagram doesn't work since I used a 3-input NOR, I should use 2 input NOR.


My diagram:
enter image description here

Solution Manual:

enter image description here

Best Answer

convert multi-input NOR gate diagram to a 2-input NOR gate diagram?

This is not a feature of any schematic drawing package that I am aware of. The answer is therefore probably "you can't". You have to delete the existing diagram and re-draw it using different gates.

This seems to be especially true since your diagram appears to be ASCII art intead of drawn with something that understands the underlying logic functions.

Just re-draw it.