Electronic – How would you go about creating a lux meter for very low light (0.0001 to 1 lux)


I like to take pictures of the the sky in really dark places like Death Valley. To get an estimate of exposure times for the foreground I would like to measure the light intensity.

According to wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lux the light intensity can be between 0.0001 to 0.002 lux in these conditions. I can't find any commercially available light meters within that range. At least none that are affordable.

Does anybody know how to build a lux meter that can cover this range at an affordable price? It doesn't have to be calibrated. It's enough if I know that one place has half of the light another place has or similar.

Best Answer

Astronomers, including amateur astronomers, are interested in the brightness of the night sky, and there are various inexpensive solutions.

There's a project to monitor the night sky using EURO 100 light meters based on PV solar cells (only available to participants).

There's a commercial device that is based on (I think) a Taos sensor. Around the same price. Calibrated in visual magnitudes per square arcsecond (logarithmic).

enter image description here

Even an iPhone app that uses the camera (not sure how well that works).