Electronic – Human Powered Bicycle Lighting System: Is this feasible for an enthusiast

powerpower supply

So, I was doing some reviewing over on bicycles stack exchange, and I realized the Cygolite Metro line of reusable chargers would fit my budget – AND be USB rechargeable!

Alas, I've been told constant charging is bad.

The idea was to hook a dynamo up to a battery and have the battery in turn charge it… I guess I can just plug unplug it manually. I was gonna waterproof the battery, probably with some kind of project enclosure. I suppose I could use something like this to save me some build time.

I expect my load to be 7 to 10 watts. Does any one have a sense of how much resistance that would add to my ride? (Hypothetically, let's say I build my own.)

Also, I do giant hills. If I do roll my own system, what can I do to make sure I don't surge too much power into the battery coasting down a hill?

Will generators generally make fixed volatages with varying amperages, usually? (Ie, is that how power fluctuates?)

I survived the first half of Engineering Circuits one (drop related drop.)

I'm a bicycle commuter.

Best Answer

A voltage regulator (like the 7805) will make sure there will be a defined voltage on the output. R1 can be left out.