Electronic – Hybrid gas electric drone

droneelectricalelectricitygeneratorpower supply

I have a nitro engine that’s idling at 1600 RPM. As the title says , I also have a BLDC coupled directly to the nitro engine working as a generator. That generator is capable of producing 3.5kW of power. Here’s the diagram:

enter image description here

enter image description here

So , generator is capable of producing 3.5kW of power at around 2000RPM. Let’s say engine is revving up and we have 3.5kW out of the generator. Up until this point , let’s assume an ideal condition and we have a constant power supply of the said 3.5kW .

My plan is to supply this power directly to my quadcopter. Is it possible to work it this way without looking at the current or voltage draw by the motors as long as all four of my motor’s Current times Voltage is less than 3.5kW ?

Best Answer

Is it possible to work it this way without looking at the current or voltage draw by the motors as long as all four of my motor’s Current times Voltage is less than 3.5kW ?

Maybe, if you plan on having the motor voltage vary wildly, then you can run the motor constant and the voltage (or RPM if there is no throttling on the motor) will vary with the output of the generator. If the voltage needs to stay constant (which is usually the case with most electronics) need some way to regulate the voltage.

Normal generators use some kind of controller (mechanical or electronic) to regulate the RPM's to keep the rotation and voltage output constant when the load changes.