Electronic – I need help for soldering. Is this good flux for use on PCB/Electronics


this is a specific question to a product for soldering.

I am a newbie to soldering so be kind.
To be honest I was trying to learn soldering and watched videos and read some.
But in germany there seems to be an unwritten law to make finding the right soldering stuff as hard as possible (also confusing)
It is called soldering paste which someone else in IRC thought is something else but after he showed me what soldering paste is , some grey material for stencil , I can assure you it is not. This stuff is orange like flux should be I guess.

So I got me some tools and materials and one of them is these:


If you go to the download sections you can see Datasheets.
Edit : It says "Activated resin mixture with petrolatum"

Now my question is can I use this on electronics? I want to solder on PCB, some pins to a microsd adapter for example.

This material is orange and I did not test it yet.

Here is a pic of it:
Some of the products for soldering I bought

  1. Also if you can tell me if that soldering tin (Sn60Pb39Cu1 with flux) is good (for my purposes)?
    You can search on Conrad.com for it just enter this in search : 812803
    I can not post anymore links thx to this restriction..

tl dr :
Is this good flux for electronics soldering?
Is this soldering tin good for electronics soldering?
Also if any tips, tell me.

Thanks for your read 🙂

Best Answer

Both will work. In this particular case, the paste is actually essentially the same flux as the wire provides, so there is no penalty (other than a very high inconvenience level) in using it.

In general, though, solder pastes are acid-based, and much more aggressive than rosin-based. You can use such fluxes, but intense care in washing off the residue is required to avoid corrosion later. So be very careful about using any paste flux. Plus, of course, you wind up using a lot more flux when you use paste, since you have to spread it over the area to be soldered. Flux-cored solder provides the flux at exactly the point it's needed.