Electronic – ID Change with Vgs for MOSFETS


im currently picking a mosfet for a project.
Im looking for a mosfet that has an Id of 10 amps+ at 3.3v. I found the 16NF06L but have a problem understanding the datasheet. It says that Id is 16A. Figure 5 shows (to my understanding) that at 3.3v Vgs the mosfet should be able to handle around 13 Amps (with Vds > 2V).
So far so good. But when i look at the RDS(on) line in the table the test condition colum shows that Id is 8A at both 5V and 10V Vgs. That seems to contradict what the figure shows. What does ID mean in the context of RDS(on)? To my understanding Id always means max. current under given conditions (Vgs, Temp, Vds etc.). I only started learing about mosfets today, so maybe im missing out on something obvious.

Hope you can help.

Best Answer

The Rds(on) specification says that if you pass a drain current of 8A, with the specified Vgs, the Rds(on) (And therefore Vds) will be as listed. The 8A is limited by external means.

If you try to pass a very high current the MOSFET will behave differently and Vds will increase faster than you’d expect from a fixed resistance. Once Vds starts to look significant compared to Vgs..

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