Electronic – Identify the manufacturer of these circuit boards


At a surplus sale, a friend picked up a large number of old circuit boards, probably 30-40 in all. Here's the box:

Box of circuit boards

All the boards seem to be made by the same manufacturer and probably come from the same device. Notable components include motors, dials, and op-amps (LM741CN).

Close-ups of some of the boards:

Board with motors

Board with diodes

and the back side of the motor board:

Backside of board with motors

The most notable and obvious feature of these boards is the logo:


This logo is on the back of every PCB, although I could not identify it with either reverse image search or by searching for the description.

Can anyone identify the manufacturer? Maybe narrow down what era of technology this is (probably 1970-1980 but that's a big range)? Or what this device might have been? It's to satisfy a burning curiosity 🙂

Best Answer

Those boards appear to be parts of an electronic organ. The image below is from an from an eBay auction - described as a "Kimball Organ Tone Generator/ Divider Board B & C". It looks very similar to yours (same number and order of pins on the edge connector, similar coils with almost identical labels).

enter image description here