Electronic – Identify this component


I refer to the two round yellow-ochre things mounted on the blue capacitors. They are coupled in series from a sold-state power amplifier stage, and the capacitors AC couple to the speaker load. The mystery components appear to be inductors but they aren't featured in the schematic. They measure 1R3 and about 140mH.

enter image description hereAnd if it is an inductance, what would be its purpose? At 140mH it seems far too large in an audio circuit.

Best Answer

I, too, would vote for PTC (Positive Temperature Coefficient - a resistor that increases in value as it warms). Used to limit inrush current. It may be these are an afterthought, which would explain why they are not in the circuit diagram.
A MOV is a surge suppressor that decreases in resistance over some limiting voltage. Used across lines to prevent excess voltage during faults.