Electronic – Identifying live, neutral, and ground wires cold


I have a European (230 volt AC motor, no markings), 1 phase (I think). It is roughly 6 inches long, just to get a sense of the scale.


It basically wobbles when current is supplied to it.

1) I need to figure out which leads connect to ground, neutral and live.

2) I also need to figure out what kind of transformer I need to use. All I know is that it needs to convert the voltage from 110V (in the US) to 230V (so that the European motor can use the power).

I read about how to do it when there is live voltage, in a situation where you need to figure out which wire are which in a house with running current. How do you do so with a cold circuit? How do I do it without first connecting (and possibly shorting) the motor to a transformer? How do I know which wires to connect to what before doing so?


All I have is this shabby old multimeter, but it works.


Motor is .2Amps 240V and 45 watts.

Best Answer

Yes it is an single phase motor, referring to the wire color codings. You need to step up transformer 110/240 but before you do so u need to check the frequency. As in Europe its 50 Hz not 60 Hz as this may effect your motor's speed.Please refer to the picture below link: Electrical wiring color codes