TTL Outputs Conflict – Which One Dominates?


If you connect together two outputs from 7400 NAND gates, which output will dominate – high or low?

Background: I'm reverse-engineering a 1969 circuit board, and in multiple cases they tie together two outputs from 7400 NAND gates, presumably to make a wired-OR. This would be reasonable if they used open-collector chips, but these are SN7400N chips, so it seems a bit sketchy. (In other places, they leave an input floating, presumably to high, which also seems sketchy.)

Best Answer

The low one wins, TTL outouts have a stronger pull down than their pull up.

TTL inputs are current sources so they float high naturally.

TTL Nor gate

when high there's 130 ohms and a diode between VCC and the output pin. that's going to limit the high-state output current to about 25mA

Combining outputs in this way will hurt performance, the device will produce more heat and probably be slower than if you used actual and gates to combine their outputs, bit if the main goal is to use fewer parts this can be a win.