Electronic – image and video signal


Signal is something that carries information. Usually, something is a pattern of variations of physical quantity that can be manipulated, stored, or transmitted by a physical processes.
I am wondering that how image can be a signal. Ok, it is stored, manipulated, transmitted digitally, but how it can carry variations?
Also how video can be kind of a signal?

Best Answer

A signal doesn't have to be a single quantity; the variation doesn't have to happen along a single axis, either.

An image is information (e.g. brightness) varying in two dimension (e.g. along a X- and a Y-axis).

Simple as that; counts both for digital and analog images.

That information that changes might be one-dimensional (e.g. only brightness for a black and white / grayscale image), or multidimensional (e.g. red, green, blue for a color picture).

Video is information varying in three dimensions: two dimensions like an image, and time as third dimension.