Electronic – In a negative feedback loop, why does increase in v_out lead to increase in v-

circuit analysisinverting-amplifiernegative feedbackoperational-amplifiersummer

I hope this is the right place to ask this question. (Please let me know if there's a better place to ask this.)

Basically, I'm quite confused about how we check if we have a negative feedback loop.

enter image description here

During lecture, when checking whether this was negative feedback, my instructor said that if the v_out increases, then v- increases as well, which would lead to the next v_out decreasing because v_out = A(v+ – v-), where A is the gain of the op-amp. I get how if v- increases the next v_out would decrease and that'd give a negative feedback, but the problem is, I don't understand how v_out increasing (initially) also leads to the v- increasing.

Actually, there was a similar question we went over just before:

enter image description here

For this one as well, my instructor said the same thing; if the v_out increased, then v- also increases, leading to smaller v_out the next time. Here, I thought I understood why: there's a voltage divider from V_s to v_out, where (v- – v_out) = R2 * V_s /(R1+R2). Since none of the resistances nor the voltage source V_s change, if v_out increases, v- would have to increase as well, or that was my understanding. (Is my understanding right?)

However, going back to the circuit for Inverting Summing Amplifier, we don't exactly have a voltage divider, do we? Because the two voltage sources V1 and V2 are in parallel, I don't see how I could combine them (I think you can only combine voltage sources in series). So assuming I'm right in not seeing any voltage dividers in Inverting Summing Amplifier, what makes v- go up as v_out goes up?

Best Answer

You might find the following illustration helpful (but might not!).


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Figure 1. Reference circuit for Figure 2.

enter image description here

Figure 2. Picturing the inverting op-amp as a see-saw with it's pivot point being fixed at "virtual ground".

How it works:

  • The gain of the see-saw is -2. That means that if we lift the left side by one unit the right side will go down by two units. Note the relative lengths of Ri (input) and Rf (feedback) are in the ration of 1:2.
  • (a) With *Vin = 0 V the virtual ground and the output are at 0 V.
  • (b) If we raise the input to 1 V we can see that if the output were not to respond that the inverting input voltage would rise to 2/3 V. This would drive the output towards the negative supply voltage rail.
  • (c) As the output swings negative balance is restored when Vout = -2 V.

The see-saw analogy works for virtual grounds at non-zero voltages too. e.g. If the non-inverting input is held at 2 V then move the pivot point up to the 2 V line.

Non-inverting case - if you're interested:


simulate this circuit

Figure 3. Non-inverting amplifier with gain of 3.

enter image description here

Figure 4. The non-inverting lever.

How it works:

  • The left side of Ri is tied to ground.
  • When Vin is applied to the non-inverting the output must swing high to bring the inverting input to the same level. This will require the output to go to 3 V in the Figure 3 example.
  • The gain of the non-inverting amplifier is given by \$ 1 + \frac {R_f}{R_i} = 1 + \frac 2 1 = 3 \$ which agrees with our illustration.

All artwork mine.