Electronic – In this Amplitude Modulation circuit, what is the purpose of the diode load (L2)


AM Modulator

In this circuit i know that the diode mixes the signal. I know that after the diode it is a half-wave. I know that the capacitor reproduces the lost signal. I have a feeling L2 is maybe plays a part in this signal regeneration?

Best Answer

A picture is worth a thousand words. enter image description here

The carrier and audio modulating signals are simply added but do not form a modulated signal.

The diode rectifies this signal forming a crudely modulated signal which contains a DC component, low frequency component and high frequency component.

The inductor acts as a low impedance for the low frequency component and high impedance for the high frequency.

The capacitor blocks the DC component but passes the high frequency AC signal

The tuned LC circuit filters out all but the the desired AM signal.