Induction Motor – Electrical and Mechanical Angle Explained

induction motor

How do we reach the relation between mechanical angle(\$\theta m\$) and electrical angle(\$\theta e\$) as: \$\theta e = (P/2)\theta m\$ ?
; where P is the number of poles.

Best Answer

How do we reach the relation between mechanical angle(θm) and electrical angle(\$θ_e\$) as: \$θ_e\$=(P/2)\$θ_m\$ ? ; where P is the number of poles.

An electrical machine is simply an electrical<>mechanical energy conversion device which utilises magnetic fields as the exchange medium.

When an electrical machine is operating as a motor, the idea is to create a traveling, rotating magnetic field, via the stator and "hope" 1 that this moving flux attracts the rotor (be it via an equivalent magnetic field or via an affinity to reduce the reluctance)

So a stator:

enter image description here

A 3 phase, single pole pair topology. If the stator was now unrolled

enter image description here

you can now see that for 360degree electrical we have equally achieved 360degree mechanical.

As the number of pole-pairs is increased, the point at which an electrical cycle is completed becomes a fraction of the main mechanical cycle & this factor is the pole-pair count

1 hope is used because there are some prerequisites that must be met that are machine specific. freq, voltage, load, supply ...