Electronic – Input voltage range for lm336z-5.0


I want to use lm336z-5.0 as a reference voltage for Arduino Uno. In the data sheet I see an example of the chip being connected to a 10V source via a 5k resistor. In Absolute Maximum Ratings section I only see that the max reverse current is 15 mA.

What is the lowest and highest possible voltage at the input (I assume I will adjust the resistor to keep the current well below 15 mA)?

Best Answer

The term "input voltage" is actually not exactly applied here, since LM336 is a shunt regulator. You can see it roughly as a zener diode.

Check also Figure 11 in the datasheet.

enter image description here

As long as you provide a bias current to it that is at least 0.6mA and at most 10mA (15mA absolute maximum) then the voltage across the regulator/diode will be around 5V.

So, the value of the supply voltage is not important in this application, as long as it is of course higher than the reference voltage.