Electronic – Interpreting pinout and the transfer function for this sensor from its datasheet


I have this pressure sensor with the following details from the datasheet:

enter image description here

The diagram for connections is given as follows as Vsupply, GND and Vout:

enter image description here

But the chip has 6 legs and described as follows:
enter image description here
enter image description here

1-) What is V1, V2 and Vex?

2-) And how can I obtain the transfer function equation? Is it Vout = Vs* (.009*P-.095) ± Error ?

Best Answer

The fact that the pins are listed by name in the package spec, but not further defined, indicates to me that they're either ports for automated end-of-line testing or for diagnostic purposes. Less likely, but quite possible, is that they're special purpose functions such as fine adjustments or reference voltages that are used only internally or by a few select customers. In any case, the only advice given is on page 4, where they're listed as no connects. I'd take that to the bank, as it's possible that some connected conditions could damage the sensor.

The transfer function you listed agreed with the one on page 5, and matches the graph as well as the specs table. Since it's directly proportional to Vs, if you want good accuracy you should regulate Vs pretty tightly, or alternatively use Vs as a reference to your ADC if you're digitizing the output.

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