Electronic – Interpreting this ADC circuit


I am trying to read from the SGX MICS-6814 gas sensor. The documentation has 2 small sections on how to read the output:

From the datasheet:
From the datasheet

From the FAQ document
From the FAQ document

To start with they show the resister order differently. But mostly I don't quite understand what they are saying about switching resisters. I am using a 16bit ADC and they don't really give any indication how to work out what load resistor/s to use. Can anyone at least explain what the theory of what they are trying convey?

Best Answer

About "switching resistors" (with respect to the first picture):
If you set both I/Os to high impedance (not driving a logic level) you effectively have all resistors in series. If, for example, you set the both IO's to "high / Vcc", you effectively ignore the first two resistors, thus reducing the divider to 6k8 and RS.

The reason one may want to switch resistors is, as dannyf already pointed out, that you may not have enough resolution to properly covert the wide range of the sensor value. By using different dividers, you can improve the situation.