Electronic – Is FCC certification required for something that is not sold


Is FCC certification required for something you put together for personal use or only for something you actually sell to someone else?

Best Answer

I believe that you aren't required to certify hobby electronics, but you still may get a knock at the door if your product is interfering with someone's commercial gear next door.

Certification is required for commercial products.

Certification is also required for anything that plugs into the telephone network.

IANAL (I am not a lawyer), by the way.

There are some other caveats to keep in mind; if you build something powerful that ends up burning down your house or maiming someone, and your insurance provider finds out that it's not 'approved', your chances of getting coverage are likely slim.

If you're tinkering with 5V / 12V stuff at low power, not emitting tons of RF and not polluting the mains, you're probably OK.