Voltage Divider – Using Internal Pull-Down as Part of Voltage Divider


There is a NUD3160 relay driver on the board that I need to set ON at power-up. According to datasheet, it has internal 100k pull-down and 2V threshold voltage. So, if I add external 910k pull-up to 24V power line it should form a voltage divider sufficient to open the driver.

What bothers me though, is how reliable the datasheet is, especially in the long run. Technically, the manufacturer does not have to use these exact values, as long as the electrical characteristics remain the same.

I don't know if this question is "opinion-based" or not, but what would you recommend?

enter image description here


After reading all the comments and answers I've come to the conclusion that relying on internal workings of the driver was a bad idea. So, here is what I am going to do:

  1. Add second resistor to get normal external divider;
  2. Adjust divider to produce around 5V gate voltage. This will ensure full opening of the driver and will reverse-bias diode so that this circuit would not load 3.3V power control signal coming from TC7PZ17 buffer (see full circuit here).
  3. Use lower values so that driver's input impedance won't matter much, but not too low to draw much current; Something like 24k + 8.2k seems to be a good compromise, wasting only 0.8mA / 0.01W per node.


Best Answer

Schematics like the one that you show should be regarded as simplified schematics - the actual implementation is likely more complex.

Anything that is not specified in the tables, graphs or text --- generally with tolerances --- is not a useable design property.

When reading the NUD3160 specification, I do find a property related to the value of the resistor, the \$I_{GSS}\$ or Gate Leakage Current: Extract from the NUD3160 specification There is also a graph showing the dependancy on the junction temperature for two voltage levels.

At 5V, nominal temperature you get 90uA, which means an effective impedance of about 55k . At 125°C, that becomes 45k. The variance is at least 10%, and the observed value is half of the 100k value shown in the schematic.

So as far I can can see, there is an indirect specification of the 100k value, and it shows that there is more to it than the schematic shows. I am not going to guess where the other half of the current flow is going.

Regarding the pull-up to enable the driver.

As your core issue is to get the driver "ON" at startup, you basically need to use this leakage current specification. The maximum rating for the Gate-Source voltage is 12V, and it is best kept close to a value not exceeding 5V. You get between 40 and 110uA at 5V. You are powering from 24V, so your target is 19V accross the pull-up resistor - so it would take a value between 170 kOhm and 475 kOhm. You do not want to exceed 10V on the gate - at that voltage with the minimum current (40uA), the resistor has to be at least 350kOhm. The actual minimum current is not specified (the table indicates "maximum current"), but the 40uA at 5V is surely below your practical usage - at 0°C it is about 47uA.

Checking the 350kOhm resistor, at 40uA, the gate voltage will be 10V (due to the resistive voltage drop). With a gate voltage of 2V, the current would be 63uA. That is just above the worst case current at 3V for a nominal temperature.

Figure 5 of the specification (the typical \$I_{GSS}\$ current versus temperature) shows that the typical current is lower. And implicitally - due to the variance in the production process - some devices can even have a lower current (just like some devices have a higher than typical current). The fact that the lower bound is not given is an issue.

As a result, with the available information, it seems impossible to ensure proper operation under all conditions with a resistor alone. The current might be lower than 40uA, which means that the gate voltage might exceed the absolute maximum rating. Increasing the resistor to lower the voltage does not ensure a high enough gate voltage at higher currents.

To conclude with a solution, it seems best to add a 5.1V zener diode across the Gate/Source, and use a 150kOhm pull-up resistor. With low currents, the zener diode ensures that the voltage remains within the maximum ratings, and with high currents, the voltage drop of the resistor is low enough to still provide 110uA.